The hara band - The Dave O'Hara Band

Band the hara Northern Ireland

Olympia Performing Arts Event; KS3 meet The Hara! — St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College

Band the hara Olympia Performing

Olympia Performing Arts Event; KS3 meet The Hara! — St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College

Band the hara The Dave

Band the hara CARDINAL O'HARA

The Dave O'Hara Band

Band the hara Band of

Northern Ireland Singers

Band the hara Band of

Band the hara CARDINAL O'HARA

Band of the week: The Hara from Manchester

Band the hara The Dave

Band the hara CARDINAL O'HARA

Band the hara CARDINAL O'HARA

Deciding that this was not the career path for her, Jolene quickly changed direction and headed straight for the theatre….

  • In 2014, they were selected to lead off the parade.

  • It has performed throughout its rich history in field and parade competitions, concert adjudications, and national festivals, consistently winning superior and top ratings.

  • .

Their sound is a mix of pop and rock inspired by The 1975, Twenty One Pilots and Panic at the Disco! It also has an awesome video.

  • Our Marching Band is featured in both the Springfield and Philadelphia St.

  • Their friendship is really quite cool and probably one of the second most appealing things about them aside from their sound and creativity.

  • Feel free to get in touch if you have any enquiries or want to know availability for your dates, otherwise we hope to see you at a gig soon! Patrick's Day Parade every year since 1980.