Stockings and heels - 6 Thoughts That Go Through Every Girl's Mind While Wearing Heels

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

6 Thoughts That Go Through Every Girl's Mind While Wearing Heels

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

6 Thoughts That Go Through Every Girl's Mind While Wearing Heels

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

6 Thoughts That Go Through Every Girl's Mind While Wearing Heels

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

6 Thoughts That Go Through Every Girl's Mind While Wearing Heels

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

6 Thoughts That Go Through Every Girl's Mind While Wearing Heels

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

6 Thoughts That Go Through Every Girl's Mind While Wearing Heels

Heels stockings and 6 Thoughts

I like them leather and embellished.

  • I mean, how cute would you look in heels on a vintage bike? What do you mean, it's a standing room only concert? All that said, wearing high heels can be as challenging as it is rewarding, and my girls in the vertiginous shoes will understand.

  • When I used to work in a law firm, I'd wear them every day and I adored every click-clacky moment of it.

  • I like them tall and precarious.

This is disgusting, not only for your bare feet, which are now enjoying the same concrete side walk that dogs piss on, but for everyone around you who has to look at and think about your bare feet and any potentially related gross things like toe gunk or fungus.

  • I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but after a while, even the most comfortable pair of heels will start to feel uncomfortable.

  • I need to sit down! I love wearing high heels.

  • Here are 6 thoughts girls will inevitably have while trodding about in high heels.