Natalie fletcher nude - Naked Moments on the Bachelor and Bachelorette: Photos

Fletcher nude natalie Natalie Fletcher’s

Natalie Fletcher’s Amazing Landscape Body Art

Fletcher nude natalie Natalie Fletcher’s

Natalie Fletcher’s Amazing Landscape Body Art

Fletcher nude natalie Naked Moments

Fletcher nude natalie Natalie Fletcher’s

Natalie Fletcher’s Amazing Landscape Body Art

Fletcher nude natalie Natalie Fletcher’s

Fletcher nude natalie Naked Moments

Fletcher nude natalie Natalie Fletcher’s

Fletcher nude natalie Natalie Fletcher’s

Natalie Fletcher’s Amazing Landscape Body Art

Fletcher nude natalie Naked Moments

Fletcher nude natalie Naked Moments

The 28-year-old artist masterfully uses body make-up to camouflage her models into their natural surroundings, blending their bodies seamlessly into a mountainous landscape, a sandy beach, an empty highway, or a handsome tree.

  • On season 16 of The Bachelor, Courtney interupted Ben Flajnik's date with another girl to take him skinny-dipping with him.

  • She discovered painting during a high school art class and was immediately hooked.

  • In her paintings, Fletcher invites her models on a journey of vulnerability and self-acceptance, often portraying their personal stories on their flesh.

In 2014, Fletcher took her talent to a body painting reality competition, , broadcast on the Game Show Network, and won first place.

  • A few days later, an enthusiastic Fletcher had her first job as a body painter.

  • One example is her work with , former member of the Mormon community, who was painted in front of a Mormon temple in.

  • Fletcher grew up in and started drawing at the age of five.