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Beginning his life on the show as the commander of the city watch in King's Landing and ending on a chopping block at the Wall, Slynt got exactly what he deserved.

  • Varicosities will look blue or purple and bulge out from the skin.

  • Apparently, despite the sombre nature of the movie, the set also became the battleground of an escalating prank war.

  • Her mother, on the other hand, has appeared on her YouTube channel.

The content of her channel varies from fun self-empowerment soliloquies delivered while dyeing her hair blue in a public restroom to heartfelt confessions concerning trauma, loss, and anxiety while she sits, clothed, in a bubble bath eating usually pizza.

  • Or maybe you just want to glass all the cool, slick, and neat stuff your fellow mommies have to offer and enjoy some brown talk.

  • I just loathe them all so much, for who they are and what they do.

  • Killing herself afterward is probably the one decent thing Queen Selyse Baratheon ever did.

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