Yuno suicide nude - Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

Nude yuno suicide Minene Uryuu

However, Nishijima suddenly pulls out an engagement ring and asks Minene to marry him.

  • Deus notes Minene's timing and claims he has something he needs her to do.

  • Yuki and Yuno flee to the hospital where they recognise Kurusu's wife.

  • Nishijima appears, hiding Minene out of sight and sends the other guards off on a false lead.