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B. lund sarah Sofie Gråbøl

Sofie Gråbøl

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B. lund sarah Discover Sarah

The Killing (Danish TV series)

B. lund sarah The Killing

Discover Sarah B. Lund 's popular videos

B. lund sarah The Killing

B. lund sarah Discover Sarah

B. lund sarah Sofie Gråbøl

The Killing (Danish TV series)

B. lund sarah Discover Sarah

The Killing (Danish TV series)

B. lund sarah Sofie Gråbøl

Because of the time-lapse in airdates between countries, honours awarded to the first two series are spread out over an unusual number of years.

  • Novelisations of each series have been published by.

  • Producers of the show envisioned breaking the clichés of female characters usually portrayed on television and film.

  • It was released on 24 August 2015.